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2017 Memos and Bulletins

Important Notice:  Provider Memos and Bulletins issued prior to 2021 will no longer be available for download from this website.  These Memos and Bulletins are still available by request directly from DMAS.  To request a memo or bulletin from 2021 or earlier, please email the MES document team here:

Listings of memos and bulletins for years prior to 2021 are still available.  Please  include the Title and Issue Date when making your email request.

Issue DateTitleTo:
29-Dec-17Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Managed Care Program-Coordination with MedicareAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid and FAMIS Programs
15-Dec-17Clarification of Authorization Policies for EPSDT Private Duty Nursing, Personal/Attendant Care and EPSDT School-Based Private Duty Nursing for All Medicaid Fee-for-Service MembersAll Providers of EPSDT Private Duty Nursing, EPSDT School Based MCO Carve Out Private Duty Nursing, EPSDT Personal/Attendant Care Services and Managed Care Organizations Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
15-Dec-17Transition of Certain Medallion 3.0 Beneficiaries to CCC Plus, Effective January 1, 2018All Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid and FAMIS Programs
1-Dec-18Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) Program Changes Including Hepatitis C Drug Changes, Effective January 1, 2018 and Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board-Approved Drug Service Authorization (SA)All Prescribing Providers, Pharmacists, and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program <7/span>
30-Nov-17Commonwealth Coordinated Care Program - Close OutAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid Program and FAMIS Program
3-Nov-17Clarifying and Updating DMAS Coverage of Stem Cell Transplants Based on the Current Medical Standard of CareAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid and FAMIS Programs, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
25-Oct-17Reimbursement Clarification for Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) and Flu Vaccines for Pregnant Women Ages 21 and Over Enrolled in Medicaid Fee- for-ServiceAll Providers, Pharmacies, and Managed Care Organizations Participating in the Virginia Medicaid Program
23-Oct-17Transitioning Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (CMHRS) into the CCC Plus ProgramAll Community Mental Health and Rehabilitation Service Providers, Behavioral Therapy Providers, Residential Treatment Services Providers, Magellan Healthcare of Virginia, and Managed Care Organizations
16-Oct-17Governors Access Plan (GAP) for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness - Change in Financial Eligibility Requirements and Additional Covered BenefitsAll Fee-for-Service Behavioral Health Providers in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
12-Oct-17Clarification on Residential Levels of Care in the Addiction and Recovery Treatment Service (ARTS) BenefitAll Substance Use Disorder Providers, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and Magellan of Virginia Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
12-Oct-17Enhancements to Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Electronic Screening System (ePAS)Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Screening Entities (Community-Based and Hospital Teams) and LTSS Providers (Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Waiver Providers, Nursing Facilities, CCC Plus Health Plans), CCC Program, Fee-for-Services (FFS) Providers, Hospitals; and Managed Care Organizations
4-Oct-17Reimbursement for Individuals Evacuated from a Disaster Struck Nursing Facility Due to Temporary EmergenciesAll Long Term Care Providers Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program and Managed Care Organizations (Health Plans)
3-Oct-17Statewide Base Rate Correction for Ambulatory Surgical Centers Under Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Groups (EAPG) Payment MethodologyAmbulatory Surgical Centers Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program and Virginia Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
29-Sep-17Enhancements to Virginia Medicaid Direct Data Entry (DDE) for Claims Submissions, Effective October 28, 2017All Providers Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Programs
27-Sep-17Magellan Medicaid Administration as DMAS New Pharmacy Benefit Administrator, Effective October 1, 2017All Prescribing Providers and Pharmacists Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Programs
8-Sep-17Delay in Implementation of Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT) Service Authorizations in Developmental Disabilities (DD) WaiversAll Providers of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Services, Support Coordination/Case Management services, EPSDT Private Duty Nursing, and EPSDT Personal/Attendant Care Services
5-Sep-17New Medicare Card Replacement InitiativeAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid and FAMIS Programs
1-Sep-17Customized Rate for the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waivers and Corrections to the Emergency RegulationsAll Support Coordinators/Case Management Agencies and Providers of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waivers services
25-Aug-17Pending Update to the Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Provider Manual - Chapter IVAll Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies providers participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program, Managed Care Organizations, and holders of the Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Provider Manual
23-Aug-17FAMIS MOMS Coverage of Peer ServicesAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program, Magellan of Virginia and Managed Care Organizations
18-Aug-17Improving Newborn Enrollment into the Virginia Medicaid Program Through The DMAS Provider Portal - Effective September 5, 2017Acute Care Hospitals and Certified Professional Midwives
17-Aug-17Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Managed Care Program - CCC Plus Program Member Status and Exclusions for the Program of All- Inclusive Care for the Elderly and Certain Nursing FacilitiesAll Providers of Long-Term Services and Supports, Acute Care Hospitals (Hospital Screeners), Rehabilitation Hospitals (Hospital Screeners), Local Departments of Social Services (Community Based Screeners), Local Health Departments (Community Based Screeners) and Managed Care Plans
26-Jul-17EPSDT Services and DD Waivers: Effective August 1, 2017Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Services Providers
19-Jul-17Revised Launch of Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Waiver - Effective July 1, 2017All Medicaid Enrolled Providers of Home and Community-Based Waiver Services and Pre-Admission Screening Teams
17-Jul-17DMAS Comprehensive Response to the Opioid Addiction Crisis in VirginiaAll Prescribing Providers, Pharmacists, and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
17-Jul-17Implementation of Common Core Formulary in the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Managed Care Program - Effective August 1, 2017All Prescribing Providers, Pharmacists, and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
10-Jul-17Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Managed Care Program- UpdateAll Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid and FAMIS Programs
30-Jun-17Notification of Updates to certain EPSDT Service Authorization Forms for Fee-for-Service and Managed Care members and Transition of Clinical Reviews of Certain EPSDT Fee-for-Service Authorizations from KEPRO to DMAS Medical Support Unit or DBHDS - effective August 1, 2017All Providers of EPSDT Private Duty Nursing, EPSDT School Based MCO Carve Out Private Duty Nursing, EPSDT Personal/Attendant Care Services and Managed Care Organizations Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program, DBHDS, VACSB, DD Waiver Service Facilitators and Case Managers.
13-Jun-17Provider Medical Record Documentation of Covered Services: Change in Timing Requirements for Provider SignaturesAll Providers and Managed Care Organizations Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
9-Jun-17Hospital Reimbursement Payments: Effective July 1, 2017All Hospitals and Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
9-Jun-17Inflation for Outpatient Rehabilitation Rates: Effective July 1, 2017All Providers of Outpatient Rehabilitation Services Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
9-Jun-17Fee-For-Service Home Health and DME Face-to-Face Encounter RequirementsHome Health Providers and Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies (DME) Providers; Ordering, Referring and Prescribing Providers, Physicians and Practitioners
8-Jun-17Implementation of Uniform, Streamlined Prior Authorization for Short and Long Acting Opioids Aligned with Virginia Board of Medicine Regulations Governing Prescribing of Opioids - Effective July 1, 2017All Prescribing Providers, Pharmacists, and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
8-Jun-17Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board-Approved Drug Service Authorization (SA) Requirements and Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) Program Changes-Effective July 1, 2017.All Prescribing Providers, Pharmacists, and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
8-Jun-17New Medicaid Coverage for Peer Support Services and Family Support Partners: Effective July 1, 2017 (Revised)*All Providers, Medallion 3.0 Managed Care Organizations, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Medicare and Medicaid Plans, Magellan of Virginia
6-Jun-17Launch of Commonwealth Coordinated Care (CCC) Plus Waiver - Effective July 1, 2017All Medicaid Enrolled Providers of Home and Community-Based Waiver Services and Pre-Admission Screening Teams
1-Jun-17How to Receive Notice of and Submit Comments on DMAS Manual and Regulatory ChangesAll Medicaid, FAMIS, and FAMIS MOMS Providers
1-Jun-17Inflation for Home Health Rates Effective July 1, 2017All Providers of Home Health Services Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
1-Jun-17New Program Manual for Residential Treatment Services and Changes to the Independent Certification of Need ProcessAll Psychiatric Service Providers, Acute Care and Psychiatric Hospitals, Level C Residential Treatment Facilities, Level A and Level B Group Homes, EPSDT Residential Treatment Providers, Magellan and Managed Care Organizations
1-Jun-17New Medicaid Coverage for Peer Support Services and Family Support Partners: Effective July 1, 2017All Providers, Medallion 3.0 MEDICAID MEMO Managed Care Organizations, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Medicare and Medicaid Plans , Magellan of Virginia
25-May-17Updates to the Optima Contacts on the ARTS Service Authorization Forms and Case Management Registration Form – Effective May 11, 2017All Providers, Managed Care Organizations, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Medicare and Medicaid Plans
25-May-17Mandatory 2017 Provider Self-Assessment for Compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings RegulationsAll Providers of Group Home Residential Services, Sponsored Residential Services, Supported Living Services, Group Day Services and Group Supported Employment Services available in the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waivers 
12-May-17Implementation of Quality Service Reviews (QSR) Pursuant to the Commonwealth’s Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)All Providers of Services to Individuals Enrolled in the Community Living (CL), Building Independence (BI), or Family and Individual Supports (FIS) Home and Community Based Waivers; Community Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID); and Nursing Facilities Providing Services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
8-May-17New Rates and RUG Grouper Version Change for Nursing Facility Claim Payments Effective July 1, 2017All Providers of Nursing Facility and Specialized Care Services and Nursing Facility-Based Hospice Services; Commonwealth Coordinated Care (CCC) Demonstration Plans and CCC Plus Managed Care Plans
26-Apr-17Revised Patient Pay Payment Processing for Claims Submitted by Providers of Long-Term Services and Supports in the Month of Transition from Nursing Facility to Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction (EDCD) Waiver - Effective April 1, 2017Providers of Nursing Facility Services and Services in the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver
28-Mar-17Reimbursement Rates for Addiction and Recovery Treatment Services (ARTS) - Effective April 1, 2017 - REVISEDBehavioral Health Services Providers and Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Participating in the Virginia Medical Assistance Program
27-Mar-17Changes from the Chief Medical Officer Regarding CPT and HCPCS Code Coverage and Service Authorization for Dates of Service on or after April 1, 2017 for the Medicaid Fee-for-Service Program- Update REVISEDAll Providers and Managed Care Organizations Participating in the Virginia Medicaid Program 
27-Mar-17Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Program- Update REVISEDAll MEDICAID MEMO Providers Participating in the Virginia Medicaid Program and FAMIS Program
27-Mar-17Medicaid Coverage of Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) – Effective January 1, 2017 REVISEDAll Providers, MEDICAID MEMO Acute Care Hospitals, Imaging Centers Organizations Participating in the Virginia M and Managed Care edical Assistance
15-Mar-17New Addiction and Recovery Treatment Services Provider ManualAll Providers, Managed Care Organizations, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Medicare and Medicaid Plans
23-Feb-17Changes from the Chief Medical Officer Regarding CPT and HCPCS Code Coverage and Service Authorization for Dates of Service on or after April 1, 2017 for the Medicaid Fee-for-Service ProgramAll Providers MEDICAID MEMO and Managed Care Organizations Medicaid Program