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Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)
Providers: Need to check your Enrollment Status?
Visit the new MCO Provider Network Resources page for resources and tools to check your status.
Looking for the Provider Portal? Click the blue login button at the top to login to MES. You can select a MES module, including the Provider portal after logging on.
The MES Portal - What Can I Do Here?
This is the main gateway to everything MES. Here's a quick list of things you can accomplish here:
- You can login and connect to MES modules you have been approved for. Use the blue button (top right) to Login
- Take training courses to understand how to use the new portal and systems
- Utilize the reference libraries housing the complete historical collection of Medicaid Memos, Bulletins and Forms
- Search, browse and download Provider Manuals
- Download important documents and forms for systems like EDI, EPS, CRMS and Provider-related resources
Here's an answer to the question - "What's MES?" (UPDATED)
Medicaid Enterprise System (MES)
MES (Pronounced 'Mez) was created to transform our Medicaid technology from an antiquated all-in-one-box solution, to a modular, expandable and cost-effective solution which benefits our Members, Providers and stakeholders. This collection of advanced technologies directly supports the business needs of DMAS.
MES - Why?
The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) planned and began building MES in 2016, to replace Virginia’s existing all-in-one-box solution. DMAS followed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), who sponsored the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) initiative. MITA was designed to facilitate the nationwide upgrade to State’s Medicaid systems to a flexible, modular form.

Have a question?
If you have any questions or would like more information... Please contact us!