This Website
This is the home of the Medicaid Enterprise System, or just MES. MES is part of the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), and serves our Provider and partner communities. This website provides resources relating to MES modules, including downloadable forms, Provider manuals and training courses. Pre-authorized users may also log in to the secure part of MES.
What is MES?
MES (Pronounced 'Mez) was created to transform our Medicaid technology from an antiquated all-in-one-box solution, to a modular, expandable and cost-effective solution which benefits our Members, Providers and stakeholders. This collection of advanced technologies directly supports the business needs of DMAS.
MES modules include:
- Provider Services
- Care Services
- Pharmacy Services
- Encounter Processing
- Enterprise Data Warehouse
- Integrated Services
- Appeals
Why MES?
The Centers for Medicaid and Medicaid Services (CMS) sponsored the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) initiative, designed to facilitate the upgrade of all State’s Medicaid systems to a modular and upgradable form. DMAS planned and began building MES in 2016, to replace Virginia’s existing all-in-one-box solution.