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2004 Memos and Bulletins

Important Notice:  Provider Memos and Bulletins issued prior to 2021 will no longer be available for download from this website.  These Memos and Bulletins are still available by request directly from DMAS.  To request a memo or bulletin from 2021 or earlier, please email the MES document team here:

Listings of memos and bulletins for years prior to 2021 are still available.  Please  include the Title and Issue Date when making your email request.

Issue DateTitleTo:
13-Dec-04Enrollment of Licensed Marriage and Family TherapistsManaged Care Organizations (MCOs), Physicians, Professional Counselors, Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Mental Health/Mental Retardation Agencies, Substance Abuse Clinics (FAMIS), Clinical Social Workers, Psychiatric Residential Inpatient Facilities, and Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialists
3-Dec-04Long-Acting Narcotics Step Therapy & the Preferred Drug ListSkilled Nursing Homes, Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Podiatrists, Dentists, Hospices, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Pharmacies and MCOs
1-Dec-04Medicaid Eligibility for Infants Born to Non-Medicaid-Eligible Alien Women Whose Deliveries Were Covered By Medicaid as an Emergency Medical ServiceAll Providers and MCOs
1-Dec-04Annual Review of Phase I of the Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List Program and PDL QuicklistAll Providers and MCOs
5-Nov-04Clarification of Family Planning Waiver - Covered Services and Billing ProceduresPhysicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Midwives, Health Departments, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Laboratories, Pharmacies, and Outpatient Clinics
5-Nov-04Waiver Billing and Maintenance IssuesAll Home Health and Home-and-Community-Based Waiver Providers and all MCOs
5-Nov-04Changes to the Review Process for Treatment Foster Care-Case Management Services - Effective December 15, 2004All Treatment Foster Care-Case Management Service providers, MCOs and holders of the Psychiatric Services Provider Manual
15-Oct-04Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Program for Virginia Medicaid and Notification of COX-II Drug Class Changes to Preferred Drug List (PDL)All Pharmacy Providers
1-Oct-04Implementation of the New Provider Remittances for Professionals and Facilities - November 5, 2004All Providers, FAMIS, SLH, and MCOs
3-Sep-04Changes to the Review Process for Residential Treatment ServicesAll Residential Treatment, MCOs, providing services to Virginia Medicaid Recipients, and holders of the Psychiatric Services manual
1-Sep-04Threshold/Polypharmacy ProgramAll Providers, FAMIS, MCOs
31-Aug-04Clarification of Day Treatment Services for Children and AdolescentsAll Providers of Day Treatment Services for Children and Adolescents
20-Aug-04Use of Electronic SignaturesAll Providers, FAMIS, SLH, and MCOs
20-Aug-04Notice of Sentara Family Care's Name Change to Optima Family CareAll Providers, and FAMIS
16-Aug-04Rate Increase for Obstetrical and Gynecological ServicesAll Providers, FAMIS, SLH and MCOs
15-Aug-04Billing Information Update for Submitting Paper UB-92 Medicare, Crossover Part A and B claimsNursing Home Providers
6-Aug-04Rate Increase for Specific Home and Community-Based Waiver ServicesProviders providing services under the following waivers: AIDS, Consumer-Directed Personal Attendant Services, Mental Retardation Waiver and Individual & Family Developmental Disabilities Support
1-Aug-04Mandatory Generic edits, ePocrates, Weight Loss Drugs-New Prior Approval Procedure and Over the Counter DrugsAll Providers and MCOs
26-Jul-04Re-Implementation of the 180-Day Outstanding Check and Claim VoidAll Providers, FAMIS, SLH and MCOs
19-Jul-04Sending Attachments Related to 837 Electronic Claims Transactions (form DMAS-3, reformatted)All Providers, FAMIS, SLH and MCOs
25-May-04Billing Alert - Processing of Certain Community Mental Health Services covered under FAMISMental Health Providers and MCOs participating in the FAMIS Program
17-May-04Prospective Drug Review Program (ProDUR) Changes to Early RefillAll Pharmacy Providers
15-Apr-04Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Appendix B InformationDME, Supplies Providers and MCOs
13-Apr-04Claim Repayments Due To ClaimCheckHospitals and Physicians
1-Apr-04Processing and Payment of Emergency Room ClaimsHospitals, Physicians and MCOs
22-Mar-04Update of Medicaid, FAMIS, and FAMIS Plus ID Cards and Eligibility Verification Systems InformationAll Providers, MCOs and FAMIS,
18-Mar-04Billing Information Correction for Submitting Paper UB-92 Medicare Part A and B Claims -March 18, 2004Nursing Home Providers
1-Mar-04Phase II of the Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) Program for Pharmacy Services ? April 2004 (Revised)All Providers and MCOs
6-Feb-04Request Required by Providers Receiving ASC X12 835 TransactionsAll Providers, FAMIS, SLH and MCOs
23-Jan-04Prospective Drug Review Program Changes for Pharmacy Claims, and other pharmacy change programsAll Pharmacy providers