Delay of the Implementation of Brain Injury Services Case Management Service

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide an update on implementation of the Department of Medical Assistance Services’ (DMAS’) new case management service for individuals with severe traumatic brain injury.
On July 13, 2023, DMAS issued a bulletin to announce that the new brain injury services case management provider manual supplement was scheduled to be finalized and published online by September 30, 2023, and that service delivery would begin after the supplement was finalized. Although DMAS finalized and published the manual supplement, the agency must delay the service delivery implementation date. DMAS will notify providers when a new implementation date has been determined.
Provider enrollment, which began on August 1, 2023, will not be impacted by the delay in implementation. Prospective providers can continue to submit enrollment applications to the Medicaid Enterprise Solutions (MES) provider enrollment portal. For more information on how to enroll as a provider please refer to the MES portal HERE.
Additional information regarding the new case management service for individuals with severe traumatic brain injury is available on the DMAS website at: Brain Injury Services | DMAS - Department of Medical Assistance Services (