Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Rate Floor

The purpose of this memorandum is to highlight upcoming changes that will take effect on July 1, 2021 for the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Supplies program as a result of General Assembly action item #313 MMMM, which set a rate floor for DME, orthotics, prosthetics and supplies. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall require DMAS Contracted Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s) to reimburse at no less than 90 percent of the state Medicaid program DME fee schedule for the same service or item of DME, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. The Department shall have the authority to implement this reimbursement change effective July 1, 2021 and prior to the completion of any regulatory process undertaken in order to effect such change.
In cases where there is no rate available, the MCO is required to utilize the reimbursement methodology set forth in 12VAC30-80-30.A(6) to determine the Fee-For-Service benchmark rate. If a DME item has no DMERC rate or agency fee schedule rate, the reimbursement rate shall be the manufacturer's net charge to the provider, less shipping and handling, plus 30%. The manufacturer's net charge to the provider shall be the cost to the provider minus all available discounts to the provider. Additionally, when mutually agreed upon, the provider and MCO may still enter into a Value Based Purchasing (VBP) or Alternative Payment Methodology (APM) (including, but not limited to, risk-based payment arrangements and per-member per-month payment arrangements). However, the VBP or APM payment must not fall below 90 percent of the Fee-For-Service rate per item.
This change is not intended to result in a reduction to 90% of the Medicaid program DME fee schedule, only to ensure Medicaid managed care organizations do not price DME, complex rehab technology, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies below the 90% rate floor.
Virginia Medicaid Web Portal Automated Response System (ARS) Member eligibility, claims status, payment status, service limits, service authorization status, and remittance advice. |
Medicall (Audio Response System) Member eligibility, claims status, payment status, service limits, service authorization status, and remittance advice. |
1-800-884-9730 or 1-800-772-9996 |
KEPRO Service authorization information for fee-for-service members.
Provider Appeals DMAS is launching an appeal portal in late May 2021. You can use this portal to file appeals and track the status of your appeals. Visit the website listed for appeal resources and to register for the portal. |
Managed Care Programs Medallion 4.0, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus), and Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). In order to be reimbursed for services provided to a managed care enrolled individual, providers must follow their respective contract with the managed care plan/PACE provider. The managed care plan may utilize different guidelines than those described for Medicaid fee-for-service individuals. |
Medallion 4.0 |
CCC Plus |
Magellan Behavioral Health Behavioral Health Services Administrator, check eligibility, claim status, service limits, and service authorizations for fee-for-service members. |
www.MagellanHealth.com/Provider For credentialing and behavioral health service information, visit: www.magellanofvirginia.com, email: VAProviderQuestions@MagellanHealth.com,or Call: 1-800-424-4046 |
Provider HELPLINE Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. For provider use only, have Medicaid Provider ID Number available. |
1-804-786-6273 1-800-552-8627 |
Aetna Better Health of Virginia |
www.aetnabetterhealth.com/Virginia 1-800-279-1878 |
Anthem HealthKeepers Plus |
1-800-901-0020 |
Magellan Complete Care of Virginia |
1-800-424-4518 (TTY 711) or 1-800-643-2273 |
Optima Family Care |
1-800-881-2166 www.optimahealth.com/medicaid |
United Healthcare |
and www.myuhc.com/communityplan 1-844-752-9434, TTY 711 |
Virginia Premier |
1-800-727-7536 (TTY: 711), www.virginiapremier.com |