Provider Training on How to Register and Submit Successful Service Authorization Requests to Acentra Health (formerly known as Kepro) Effective November 1, 2023

The purpose of this notification is to inform providers on how to successfully submit fee for service requests for service authorization (SA) to Acentra Health, formerly known as Kepro, effective November 1, 2023.
Which Providers are Affected
Acentra Health will begin accepting requests on November 1, 2023 for providers who perform services for the following programs:
All Behavioral Health and ARTS Services
Baby Care Program
Continuous Glucose Monitors
EPSDT Private Duty Nursing
EPSDT Private Duty Nursing MCO School Based Carve Out
Out of State Imaging
Genetic Testing
The last day that Magellan BHSA and DMAS will accept requests for service authorization is October 31, 2023. If you submit a request to Magellan BHSA or DMAS, please do not submit a duplicate request to Acentra.
When to Submit Service Authorization Requests to Acentra
For providers with a service authorization end date that spans on or after November 1, 2023, Acentra will honor the service authorization. When the member requires concurrent services past the end date of the approved SA, providers will request SA through Acentra before the end date of the SA. Requests for SA will be made through Atrezzo Next Generation (ANG).
When the behavioral health service authorization end date is prior to November 1, 2023, providers are to submit the continued stay review request to Magellan BHSA.
When the behavioral health service authorization end date is on or after November 1, 2023, providers are to submit concurrent review requests to Acentra.
When the behavioral health service authorization initiated by Magellan BHSA ends on or after November 1, 2023, Acentra will honor the approved Magellan BHSA service authorization. No action is necessary from the provider unless a concurrent review is required. Concurrent review requests will be submitted to Acentra.
As a reminder, providers must submit a registration request for BH services prior to the start of any new service or within two (2) business days of the service start date. Acentra will accept registration service requests on and after November 1, 2023.
Timeliness for Submitting Requests to Acentra
Acentra will waive timeliness from November 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 for BH and other new providers requesting services on and after November 1, 2023. Timeliness will again be in effect starting January 1, 2024 and after.
Training Schedules on How to Register and Submit Requests Successfully in Acentra’s Atrezzo Next Generation (ANG) Platform
Training Curriculum
All live demonstrations will be supported by training materials, including provider portal user guide, quick reference guides, and recorded training videos which are all available on the Acentra Health Client website or Atrezzo Provider Portal website.
Live demonstration training sessions will be hosted via Microsoft Teams. Each session will have multiple dates and times to allow providers to choose the time that works best with their schedule. These sessions will include a recorded video to demonstrate system functionality to ensure training consistency, avoid technical difficulties, decrease lag time with large group screen share, and ensure scheduled sessions are completed on time. Providers will have ample time to ask questions during these sessions. Registration and attendance are tracked through the Microsoft Teams platform and data will be provided to DMAS upon completion of all training sessions.
Providers must register for each training by signing up at (
Provider Portal System Training Module 1 – Provider Portal Administrator Training and Schedule
45-minute session – providers must register prior to training and need to attend at least one training. This session is repeated to offer 10 sessions to providers.
This session is mandatoryfor all Administrator users so that each person associated with the provider has access to submit and review information in ANG.
Date | Time (ET) | Module |
Monday, October 2 | 10:15am | Provider Portal Registration Provider Multi-Factor Registration Provider Administrator Role
Friday, October 6 | 12:15pm | |
Tuesday, October 10 | 1:15pm | |
Thursday, October 12 | 2:15pm | |
Tuesday, October 17 | 12:15pm | |
Thursday, October 26 | 1:15pm | |
Monday, October 30 | 3:15pm | |
Wednesday, November 1 | 10:15am | |
Monday, November 6 | 9:15am | |
Wednesday, November 8 | 12:15pm |
Module 2 – Medical/ Provider Portal System Training
75-minute session; This session is repeated to offer 14 sessions to providers. Providers must register prior to training and need to attend at least one training.
The objective of this session is to demonstrate how to submit a prior authorization request, upload supporting clinical documentation, view determination letters, and all provider portal functions. This session will be for all users who will have access to the provider portal to submit or review prior authorization requests.
All Medical Providers will need to dedicate a Provider Administrator that needs to attend Module 1 – Provider Portal Administrator Training to learn how to register the provider portal account.
Date | Time (ET) | Module |
Wednesday, October 4 | 2:00pm | Provider Portal Login Submitting New Requests Completing Saved Requests Submitted Request Status Viewing Determination Letters Uploading Additional Clinical Documentation Extending Approved Request Copy Current Request Requesting Authorization Revisions Sending/Receiving Messages Requesting Reconsideration or Peer to Peer Understanding Admin Set Preferences Changing Provider Context Forgot/Reset Password |
Wednesday, October 11 | 10:00am | |
Monday, October 16 | 10:00am | |
Wednesday, October 18 | 12:00pm | |
Monday, October 23 | 2:00pm | |
Tuesday, October 24 | 10:00am | |
Friday, October 27 | 12:00pm | |
Monday, October 30 | 10:00am | |
Tuesday, October 31 | 10:00am | |
Tuesday, October 31 | 2:00pm | |
Wednesday, November 1 | 12:00pm | |
Thursday, November 2 | 9:00am | |
Friday, November 3 | 12:00pm | |
Tuesday, November 7 | 11:00am |
Module 3 – Behavioral Health Provider Dedicated System Training Session
75-minute session; This session is repeated to offer 14 sessions to providers. Providers must register prior to training and need to attend at least one training.
The objective of this session is to demonstrate how to submit a prior authorization request, upload supporting clinical documentation, view determination letters, and all provider portal functions. This session will be for all users who will have access to the provider portal to submit or review prior authorization requests.
All Behavioral Health Providers will need to dedicate a Provider Administrator that needs to attend Module 1 – Provider Portal Administrator Training to learn how to register the provider portal account.
Date | Time (ET) | Module |
Tuesday, October 10 | 10:00am | Provider Portal Login Submitting New Requests Completing Saved Requests Submitted Request Status Determination Letters Uploading Additional Clinical Documentation Extending Approved Request Copy Current Request Requesting Authorization Revisions Sending/Receiving Messages Requesting Reconsideration Requesting Peer to Peer Understanding Admin Set Preferences Changing Provider Context Forgot/Reset Password |
Thursday, October 12 | 9:00am | |
Friday, October 13 | 12:00pm | |
Thursday, October 19 | 12:00pm | |
Monday, October 23 | 10:00am | |
Tuesday, October 24 | 12:00pm | |
Wednesday, October 25 | 12:00pm | |
Friday, October 27 | 10:00am | |
Tuesday, October 31 | 2:00pm | |
Wednesday, November 1 | 3:00pm | |
Thursday, November 2 | 2:00pm | |
Friday, November 3 | 10:00am | |
Monday, November 6 | 12:00pm | |
Tuesday, November 7 | 2:00pm |
Module 4 – CSB/Independent Provider Dedicated System Training Session
75-minute session; This session is repeated to offer 3 sessions to providers. Providers must register prior to training and need to attend at least one training.
The objective of this 60-minute training session is to demonstrate how to submit a prior authorization request, upload supporting clinical documentation, view determination letters, and all provider portal functions. This session will be for all users who will have access to the provider portal to submit or review prior authorization requests.
All CSB/Independent Providers will need to dedicate a Provider Administrator that needs to attend Module 1 – Provider Portal Administrator Training to learn how to register the provider portal account.
Date | Time (ET) | Module |
Wednesday, October 11 | 12:00pm | Provider Portal Login Submitting New Requests Completing Saved Requests Submitted Request Status Determination Letters Uploading Additional Clinical Documentation Extending Approved Request Copy Current Request Requesting Authorization Revisions Sending/Receiving Messages Requesting Reconsideration Requesting Peer to Peer Understanding Admin Set Preferences Changing Provider Context Forgot/Reset Password |
Friday, October 20 | 2:00pm | |
Wednesday, October 25 | 9:00am |
Module 5 – Heath Department Dedicated System Training Session
75-minute session; This session is repeated to offer 3 sessions to providers. Providers must register prior to training and need to attend at least one training.
The objective of this session is to demonstrate how to submit a prior authorization request, upload supporting clinical documentation, view determination letters, and all provider portal functions. This session will be for all users who will have access to the provider portal to submit or review prior authorization requests.
All Health Department Providers will need to dedicate a Provider Administrator that needs to attend Module 1 – Provider Portal Administrator Training to learn how to register the provider portal account.
Date | Time (ET) | Module |
Tuesday, October 17 | 10:00am | Provider Portal Login Submitting New Requests Completing Saved Requests Submitted Request Status Determination Letters Uploading Additional Clinical Documentation Extending Approved Request Copy Current Request Requesting Authorization Revisions Sending/Receiving Messages Requesting Reconsideration Requesting Peer to Peer Understanding Admin Set Preferences Changing Provider Context Forgot/Reset Password |
Thursday, October 26 | 9:00am | |
Monday, October 30 | 12:00pm |
October – November 2023 Provider Training - Calendar Version
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
MODULE 1 Administrator Training 10AM | MODULE 2 Medical - 2PM | MODULE 1 Administrator – 12 PM | ||
OCT 9 | Oct 10 | OCT 11 | OCT 12 | OCT 13 |
MODULE 1 Administrator – 1PM | MODULE 2 Medical – 10AM
MODULE 1 Administrator - 2PM | MODULE 3 BH - 12PM |
OCT 16 | OCT 17 | OCT 18 | OCT 19 | OCT 20 |
MODULE 2 Medical - 10AM | MODULE 5 Health Dept – 10AM
MODULE 1 Administrator - 12PM | MODULE 2 Medical - 12PM | MODULE 3 BH - 12PM | MODULE 4 CSBs - 2PM |
OCT 23 | OCT 24 | OCT 25 | OCT 26 | OCT 27 |
MODULE 2 Medical - 2PM | MODULE 2 Medical – 10AM
MODULE 3 BH - 12PM | MODULE 5 Health Dept – 9AM
MODULE 1 Administrator - 1PM | MODULE 3 BH – 10AM
MODULE 2 Medical - 12PM |
OCT 30 | OCT 31 | GO LIVE Nov 1 | Nov 2 | Nov 3 |
MODULE 2 Medical – 10AM
MODULE 5 Health Dept – 12PM
MODULE 1 Administrator - 3PM | MODULE 2 Medical – 10AM and repeated at 2PM
MODULE 3 BH - 2PM | MODULE 1 Administrator – 10AM
MODULE 2 Medical – 12PM
MODULE 3 BH - 3PM | MODULE 2 Medical – 9AM
MODULE 2 Medical - 12PM |
NOV 6 | NOV 7 | NOV 8 | NOV 9 | NOV 10 |
MODULE 1 Administrator – 9AM
MODULE 3 BH - 12PM | MODULE 2 Medical - 11AM
MODULE 3 – 2PM | MODULE 1 Administrator - 12PM |
Provider Contact Information & Resources
Virginia Medicaid Web Portal Automated Response System (ARS) Member eligibility, claims status, payment status, service limits, service authorization status, and remittance advice. | |
Medicall (Audio Response System) Member eligibility, claims status, payment status, service limits, service authorization status, and remittance advice. | 1-800-884-9730 or 1-800-772-9996 |
Acentra Health Service authorization information for fee-for-service members.
| |
Provider Appeals DMAS launched an appeals portal in 2021. You can use this portal to file appeals and track the status of your appeals. Visit the website listed for appeal resources and to register for the portal. | |
Managed Care Programs Medallion 4.0, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus), and Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). In order to be reimbursed for services provided to a managed care enrolled individual, providers must follow their respective contract with the managed care plan/PACE provider. The managed care plan may utilize different guidelines than those described for Medicaid fee-for-service individuals. | |
Medallion 4.0 | |
CCC Plus | |
PACE | |
Magellan Behavioral Health Behavioral Health Services Administrator, check eligibility, claim status, service limits, and service authorizations for fee-for-service members. |, email:,or Call: 1-800-424-4046 |
Provider Enrollment | In-State: 804-270-5105 Out of State Toll Free: 888-829-5373 Email: |
Provider HELPLINE Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. For provider use only, have Medicaid Provider ID Number available. | 1-804-786-6273 1-800-552-8627 |
Aetna Better Health of Virginia | 1-855-270-2365 1-866-386-7882 (CCC+) |
Anthem HealthKeepers Plus | 1-833-207-3120 1-833-235-2027 (CCC+) |
Molina Complete Care
| 1-800-424-4524 (CCC+) 1-800-424-4518 (M4) |
Optima Family Care | 1-800-643-2273 1-844-374-9159 (CCC+) |
United Healthcare | 1-844-284-0149 1-855-873-3493 (CCC+) |
Dental Provider DentaQuest | 1-888-912-3456 |