Provider Appeals
Portal Training
Portal Training
Who should use these training resources?
If you are a Virginia Medicaid provider or provider representative who wants to learn more about using the Appeals Information Management System (AIMS) portal to file an online appeal or other appeals-related task, you are in the right place. Reminder: If the action being appealed stems from a Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) you must exhaust the appeal rights with the MCO before you can file your appeal with DMAS.
Use these training resources to learn how to use the AIMS portal to:
- File an appeal
- Submit supporting documentation for your appeal
- Review decisions or actions taken
We have developed a library of training resources to help use the AIMS portal to manage your appeals process. Watch a video, locate step-by-step instructions in a comprehensive user guide, or find answers to frequently asked questions, all right here.
User Guide
Find the step-by-step instructions for conducting appeals tasks in the AIMS portal here:
AIMS Portal User Guide for Providers
Watch these short videos to guide you through the common appeals tasks that you can conduct in the AIMS portal:
- 1 - Login and Create Profile
- 2 - AIMS-Navigation
- 3 - Create New Informal Appeal
- 4 - Create New Formal Appeal
- 5 - Monitoring Appeals
- 6 - Withdraw an Appeal
- 7 - Uploading and Downloading Documents
- 8 - Closed Cases
You Try Practice Simulation
After you watch the videos (above), practice conducting common appeal tasks by completing "You Try" scenarios in a simulated AIMS environment here:
AIMS Portal You Try Scenarios for Providers
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked AIMS portal questions here:
AIMS Portal FAQ for Providers
* If you experience any difficulty registering for the AIMS portal, please retry after 5 minutes.
Need technical support while accessing or using the AIMS portal? Call 804-486-2865. If you have questions regarding an appeal, call the DMAS Appeals Division at 804-371-8488.